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On Sunday, November 17th, 2024 at 8pm, you will take part in a 10-minute Matrix Clean® Ultimate (livestream), during which Saeed will send the participants his latest and most effective Matrix Clean® programs.

After purchasing, you will receive an email containing a download button. Click on this button and download the PDF file. This file contains the link to the Ultimate. Click on the link shortly before the Ultimate begins and you will be taken to the livestream. If the livestream does not start at 8pm, reload the website. Also pay attention to the information from Saeed's team in the live chat.

It is important that you arrive at the Ultimate on time at 8pm, as there is no way to watch the livestream again afterwards. There will be no repeat or recording of the livestream.

In the Ultimate you will receive:

Standard programs:

  • Freeing your body from all kinds of foreign energies
  • Resolution of programming and conditioning that leads to addictive behavior
  • Cleansing and building up the brain
  • Relief of the nervous system
  • Cleansing and building up the organs
  • Restoration of the energy supply to the organs
  • Blood purification (removal of foreign bodies on an energetic level)
  • Removal of all energy thieves and contractual bonds
  • Deletion and resolution of adopted programming

Additional special programs for light walkers:

  • Removal of negative programs in your subconscious
  • Cleansing and building up the psyche
  • Deep peace and serenity
  • Removal of all energetic bonds to other incarnations
  • Restoration of the natural energetic configuration
  • Building and strengthening the energetic configuration
  • Building the energetic connection to your divine consciousness
  • Building the energetic connection to your immortal Soul
  • Sharpening perception
  • Freeing your brain and nervous system from foreign energies
  • Freeing your brain and nervous system from negative programming
  • Cleaning and building your exchange channel with the rest of the world

Problems burden us and massively reduce our quality of life. Not only we suffer from this, but also our loved ones.

Problems are solvable energy programs. They arise on a physical, psychological and mental level through unnatural disturbances and negative energy programs. These energy programs burden us from our current environment, e.g. through negative people, energy thieves and through technical interference fields such as electrosmog.

The burdens can also come from our past. Everything we have ever experienced is and remains stored in us. The negative experiences burden us energetically, emotionally and psychologically and destroy our happiness.

We also take on negative programs from people who are close to us. These are mainly parents, children, siblings and life partners. These programs disrupt our system by forcing us to fulfill other people's wishes and to live up to them. In the process, our wishes fall by the wayside. This makes us unhappy, poor and sick.

With his Matrix Clean® programs, Saeed removes these disturbances with ease and restores your natural and divine system. You will feel free, light and happy in a way you have never felt before. You will go through life with a smile and be greeted with a smile everywhere!

Examples of mental and psychological issues can be:

  • Sleep disorders
  • Exhaustion and tiredness
  • Eating disorders
  • Obesity
  • Restlessness and difficulty concentrating
  • Self-depreciation and self-rejection
  • Energetic and psychological blockages
  • Traumatic experiences
  • Grief and depression
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Tourette syndrome
  • Stuttering
  • Sleepwalking
  • Menstrual cramps
  • and much more!

Please note:

  • A report after participating in the Matrix Clean® Ultimate is not part of the offer. Saeed sends the programs conscientiously and precisely. Sometimes he receives information that he passes on to those affected voluntarily and free of charge. But this is not a must.
  • Saeed is not a miracle healer who relies on quick successes that disappear just as quickly. Saeed's work works in the depths of the soul and energetic configuration. The body needs a lot of time to materialize this.
  • Some people notice the changes caused by the treatment immediately and others only after a few days. Since these changes take place in the depths, they are usually perceived subliminally as bliss, joy of life, relief and increased quality of life. Some serious issues, some of which come from old incarnations, cannot be solved in one go. It is like a drug where you cannot expect that it will solve the problem with just one dose. That is why it is important to take part in several Matrix Clean® Ultimates until the symptoms have completely disappeared.
  • It is very important to Saeed to make it clear that his work only makes sense if the person concerned no longer supplies the causes of the problems with energy. This means that if you use his work, you must be prepared to change your behavior, thoughts, feelings, emotions, diet, etc. so that you become happier. Because even the best doctor and healer in the world cannot help you if you stay the way you are.

Matrix Clean® Ultimate - November 17th, 2024, 8 p.m

VAT Included
    • During the Matrix Clean® Ultimate, Saeed Habibzadeh puts together the energy programs especially for the participants and sends them to them energetically from a distance. The programs are stored in you and activated one after the other by your divine soul. They accompany you for several hours or days.
    • You don't have to do anything specific. However, it is recommended that you make note of the changes that have occurred. This will document your personal development.
    • It is important to know that Saeed Habibzadeh's Matrix Clean® programs perform a deep energetic cleansing, which can trigger emotional and physical reactions. It is therefore recommended to go to bed a little earlier after the livestream and relax.
    • It is also important to know that the Matrix Clean® programs offer you a great deal of freedom and many possibilities that most people only dream of. You must use these possibilities actively and responsibly. Saeed Habibzadeh's work and products are not a substitute for medical, doctor or healing measures.
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